Lance College of Mines and 工程
蒙大拿州理工大学兰斯矿业与工程学院有一个世纪的历史,培养毕业生解决一些世界上最具挑战性和最复杂的问题. 我们世界一流的教师为课堂和实验室带来了重要的现实世界经验, works with you in hands-on discovery, and collaborates on research. All of our undergraduate programs are ABET-accredited. Benefiting this robust education, 你可以与一些世界上最精英和最负盛名的公司合作. 十多年来,我们的毕业生一直享有超过90%的职业成功率的悠久传统,这在今天是一个非凡的成功.
Our Altitude Isn't Nearly as Breathtaking as Your Potential
Let's find out together. 安排拜访 或者打电话给我们 406-496-4791 to see if Montana Tech is the place you should be.
Prepares students for careers in water resources engineering, 构造ion engineering, transportation engineering, structural engineering, and geotechnical engineering.
Air and water pollution control, 危险废物, 土壤修复, pollution prevention, and land reclamation.
Explore our state-of-the-art triaxial testing lab, 地下矿山, geo-technical engineering and groundwater modeling software
Mechanical 工程 focuses on four areas, 控制系统, 纳米技术, 机械设计, 和焊接.
设计, 构造, 并管理世界各地的地表和地下矿山,拥有采矿工程学位.
Develop an in-depth understanding of natural resource recovery, the economics of the industry, and respect for the environment.
兰斯矿业与工程学院的大多数课程都授予学士和硕士学位. 我们也提供Ph值.D. 学位s in Materials Science and Earth Science and 工程. 我们所有的本科工程课程都通过了ABET EAC委员会的认证. The ABET CAC commission accredits our 计算机科学 program, ABET ANSAC委员会对我们的工业卫生和职业安全与健康项目进行了认证.
蒙大拿是你的实验室,你可以从事你感兴趣的课题的研究. Your project will be supported by grants from industry, the National Science Foundation, 和大学. And students with approved projects earn a stipend, too!
而大学的强大价值已经得到了认可, 许多奖学金只提供给兰斯矿业与工程学院的学生. 你可能有资格每年节省数千美元的学费.
蒙大拿科技大学有成千上万的毕业生在全国和世界各地从事各行各业的工作. By tapping into this network and their experiences, you’ll be empowered to change the world in your own way.
Lance College of Mines and 工程 Mission Statement
- 提供高质量的本科教育,使毕业生能够在专业水平上实践他们的学科,并成为他们所选择领域的领导者;
- 提供优质的研究生教育,使毕业生能够解决其学科内的先进问题;
- 创造和传播新知识,解决问题,改善世界, 这个国家, and the state of Montana.
Our primary foci are the
- safe and reliable development and use of natural resources;
- safe and reliable development and delivery of energy;
- development of new materials and material applications.
Our disciplines include a wide array of engineering programs.